There are Energy Efficient Roofing Systems

Energy Efficient Roofing Systems1

We at Choice Roofing Solutions have several energy efficient roofing systems available to those in Girard, OH. If you are looking to save on your energy costs call us today on (724) 988-8896 so we can get started on your new roof today.

How they Help

These systems were developed to reduce the strain on HVAC units. They do this in a couple of ways. A roof that is lighter in color reflects the sun; this reduces the level of heat that is introduced into your building via the roof. It also means that your roof is made of materials that are created to reduce the flow of air from passing through the materials themselves. Both enable the HVAC to work less to keep your building at a comfortable temperature for your workers and clients. As a secondary result you must have your HVAC serviced less often causing additional savings for you. Though the initial costs are a bit higher than the average roofing system, the overall savings come out to you saving around 40% over the years of having this roofing system.

The Science

Energy Efficient Roofing Systems

The sun heats the air around us. An HVAC is a machine that takes that warmed air and sends it through the cooling system to cool it and then forces that cooled air into your building. A typical roofing system is susceptible to air passing through causing the HVAC to work harder to maintain the temperature that you have it set at. Utilizing materials that are sandwiched together makes it harder for that air to pass through. Creating a boundary for the air, thus reducing the strain on the HVAC, and keeping your building comfortable year-round. It will also reduce the number of particulates that can come through the roofing materials, aiding in a reduction of allergens in the air you and your employees breathe every day. Thus, allowing for healthier employees and a better environment for them to be in.

Call Today

With our energy efficient roofing systems, you will see savings and overall better health. If you own a building in Girard, OH, then you want to find out more about these systems and find out if this type of roofing system will work for your building. Call Choice Roofing Solutions today on (724) 988-8896 to get our experts to your property to see what we can do for you and your roof.