Hail Damage Roofing Contractors – Youngstown, OH


If your roof has any hail damage, then you need hail damage roofing contractors. If you own a commercial building in Youngstown, OH we at Choice Roofing Solutions have the contractors you need. Call us today on (724) 988-8896, to get the right contractor for your needs.

The Damages

Hail can cause a variety of damages. These range from soft spots to massive roofing and structural damage. Soft spots look like there is no damage however, the damage is actually under the outer most layer. These are almost more of an issue since they can go undetected and will usually go unaddressed. Hail can cause small to large holes depending on the size and age of the roofing materials. Hail can also break large branches off trees causing massive property damage. It all really depends on the size of the hail and the speed of the winds. Of course, we do not want you out trying to assess damage while it is still storming as that is just not safe. We ask that you wait until the storm has passed to look at your roof or call us to have us assess the damage.

Working with your Insurance Provider


Your insurance is here for these types of unexpected issues. It is why it is vital to have your roof on a maintenance program and actually have the services rendered that are recommended. This makes it easier for your insurance to accept your claims requests when an act of nature is involved. Your insurance will cover the costs that are associated with repairing or replacing your roof. We can help you by gathering clear information on the issue or issues that were brought up by the storm and document them for you. Plus, we will provide an estimate that will clearly indicate what is needed to bring your roof back to the proper state.

Contact Us Immediately!

If you have had a hailstorm in Youngstown, OH, you need to have hail damage roofing contractors managing your roof. You need to contact us at Choice roofing Solutions immediately! We want to get the damage under control so it does not lead to more damage that could happen. Contact us right after the storm by dialing (724) 988-8896, this way we can come to evaluate the damage and give you a clear estimate of what it will cost to get everything fixed.