Hail Damage Roofing Contractors – Girard, OH

Hail Damage Roofing Contractors1

Hail is destructive whether it hits a vehicle, a creature, or a building. Though we do not have the knowledge on addressing issues for vehicles or creatures, we can address the issues that hail creates with your roof. If you are in Girard, OH and are looking for hail damage roofing contractors then we have the people you want on your roof. Call Choice Roofing Solutions today on (724) 988-8896 and we will find the right solution for your roof.

The Damage

Hail can create a variety of issues for a roof. From dented roofing materials, also known as soft spots, to holes being punched through the materials. This depends on the size of the hail and how hard it hits your roof. Mathematically this is velocity times volume equals end result. It also depends on the density of the hail as well as the quality of the roofing materials that were used. For example, if poor materials were used or if they are significantly aged then even a small piece of hail can punch through. The sturdier the roofing materials the harder hail must be and faster it must hit to cause severe damage to your roof. Although soft spots are no laughing matter and must be amended quickly, they are less of a risk to life than hail hitting you through your roof.

Repair or Replace

Hail Damage Roofing Contractors

After a hailstorm, the next thing to consider is if your roof needs repairs or if it will require replacement. We will have to conduct an inspection in order to accurately assess the level of damage and then we will be better capable of answering this question. Even two buildings in the same area can have different amounts of damage, which will then alter the outcome of our findings. Even if the damage appears similar, materials, and age of a roof will alter the solution. Replacement will be the better option if there is a significant amount of damage, even though it could be repaired. There comes a time when the cost of repairs will supersede the cost of a roof replacement and when that happens there is no reason to withhold a roof from being replaced.

Contact Us Now!

Once a hailstorm has passed it will be vital to call us. Our hail damage roofing contractors can address your roofing issues in a quick and safe manner. If you own a building in the Girard, OH area contact Choice Roofing Solutions right away by dialing (724) 988-8896.