Details on Spray Foam Roofing

Spray Foam Roofing1

Have you been looking for a roofing system that is considered a green material? You may want to consider spray foam roofing and its benefits. This roofing system has not been around as long as some of its more traditional counterparts. However, that does not mean that is any less able to do the job and in some cases do the job at a higher level of excellence. If you are interested in finding out more information, call us at Choice Roofing Solutions on (724) 988-8896. Or if you own a building in Youngstown, MO, and need a hand with your roof call us today.

Roofing Materials

Most roofing materials have cracks and are made of materials which need to be forced together, this can be with chemicals or roofing nails. The difference with foam is two chemicals that are mixed together as they are sprayed on the roof. There are zero seams. This keeps the issue of leaks to a minimum, not saying your roof will not ever leak just that it is less likely to do so. The lack of seams also indicates that it is more difficult for insects to invade your building. Its natural density means a substantial reduction in sounds being added to the building’s internal environment from outside sources.

Other Benefits

Spray Foam Roofing

Another benefit is that your roof is started as a liquid that expands into a solid. This means that if there are any gaps, the foam can get in and then expand into these gaps effectively sealing the entire roof into one seamless roofing system. It is resistant to insects and keeps them away from the structural parts of your building that are made of wood. It is not porous which means the air produced by your HVAC remains in your building. Making the system more effective while reducing the cost of cooling your building. Thus, putting a better balance in your costs versus income equation.

Call Us Today

If you have noticed a steady increase in your utility costs that are not related to inflation, you may want to consider it as an issue with your commercial roof. A Spray foam roofing system is an effective way to change this trend. If you own a building in Youngstown, OH then it may be time to look at the newer roofing systems rather than the traditional ones. Call the experts at Choice Roofing Solutions on (724) 988-8896.