Cool Roof in Girard, OH

Cool Roof in Girard OH1

There are solutions to help you achieve that cool roof you have been hearing about. If you own a commercial building in Girard, OH, and would like a different solution to your roofing situation call Choice Roofing Solutions, we will find the right solution for you and your roof. Our office number is (724) 988-8896.

To Start

To find a solution to an issue first one must examine the roof. Looking at each section and seeing how it all fits together. This entails having an expert surveying the roof. Once they have gone over the entire roof and checked the rafters, they will conclude their investigation with an estimate for you to look over. This will have everything you need to know, however if there are any questions feel free to ask them. If you find that the findings and solutions are to your liking, then we can draw up a contract that will bind us to do the work. This will ensure that what we said we would do gets done and if it is not then you have the legal right to pursue charges against us. However, it also binds you to pay the bill for the work once it is completed of course.

A Cool Solution

Cool Roof in Girard, OH

A way to help cool a roof is through roof coating. This not only protects your roof from damaging UV rays. It will also reflect the heat that is created by the sun. This will reduce the energy costs associated with the cooling of your building. A coating will seal your roof creating a solid layer of protection. This will also protect against water damaging your building, as it will seal off any access there was on your roof. Rodents and insects will have a harder time gaining access to your insulation thanks to roof coating. This is just one solution we have to help cool your roof.

Contact Us Today!

Have you noticed your energy bills have been increasing? It is time to look into a cool roof solution. This simple solution can have a major impact on your bottom line. If your commercial building is in or near Girard, OH, then we at Choice Roofing Solutions can help you find the right solution for the exact issue your roof is faced with. Contact us today on (724) 988-8896 to have our experts find the right solution.