About White Roofing Systems

White Roofing Systems1

Are you aware that various roofing systems offer distinct benefits to your building? For instance, if your goal is to reduce cooling expenses, white roofing solutions can be an excellent choice. If your business operates in Girard, OH, Choice Roofing Solutions is ready to assist you in achieving your objectives. Reach out to us today at (724) 988-8896 to explore the services we provide and discover how we can cater to your specific roofing needs.

What is a White Roofing System

The short answer is that a white roofing system is a system that is white or light in color. The reason behind this is simple it reflects the sun reducing the amount of heat that is absorbed through the roofing materials. Thus, also reducing your cooling costs. It is a terrific way to increase your savings while reducing your costs. It also helps you decrease your carbon footprint.

The Process

White Roofing Systems

The process is the same as any other roofing system. A roof inspection is required before anything can happen. Once we have thoroughly inspected your roof, we can create a plan of attack to get you a white roof installed. We do check the struts to ensure they are up to handling a new roof. If they are not, then we will get those beefed up to ensure they can properly support the weight of a new roof. Then we will pull the old roofing materials off placing them in a designated area until we take everything to the dump. We then start from the inner most materials and work our way to the outer most layer. Thus, ensuring that each layer is laid correctly before securing it to the rest of the structure. We do this to ensure that each layer fits properly and if anything needs to be adjusted, we can do that before moving forward with the project.

Contact Us Today

White roofing systems are an excellent way to increase savings and reduce the strain on your HVAC system. If your business is in the Girard, OH area and you are looking for a company that will help you decrease your costs. Then look no further than Choice Roofing Solutions, we have a solution to every issue that comes with owning a commercial roof. Contact us today by dialing (724) 988-8896. Our customer care team will create an appointment for you to talk to one of our specialists so we can get to exactly what you need.